Dermal Fillers


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Dermal Fillers

dolgu Dermal FillersDermal fillers, which are one of the biggest trends in the beauty and aesthetics industry in recent years, are increasingly preferred by men and women as a non-surgical face rejuvenation method!

Dermal fillers restores the lost volume in certain areas of the face, recreating that vibrant and youthful appearance. Fillers that allow to add volume to areas where volume is lost and to determine the existing lines of the face in a natural way help to provide one percent symmetry with the jaw line, middle face and lips when injected by a specialist and experienced doctor.

Regardless of your goal, it is possible to create a natural, voluminous and symmetrical facial structure with fillings applied to various regions.

So why do we lose the volume on our faces as time goes on? Collagen, a protein naturally present in the body, decreases over time due to age and various environmental factors and life habits. This leads to a decrease in the appearance, volume and elasticity of healthy skin. Collagen decrease is the reason why over time thin lines, wrinkles become apparent and you look older. So, what exactly is the filler and in what cases is it done?

Dermal fillers are a gel-form component that helps the injection site look more voluminous, more shaped by increasing the presence of hyaluronic acid on the skin. Naturally present substances in the body, such as hyaluronic acid, are produced in a laboratory environment and sent under the skin by injection, where they are gradually absorbed and provide long-term improvements.

Your doctor will shape your facial line in a way that looks younger and more attractive. The filler is also ideal for improvements that cannot be done with face lift surgery alone. In addition, it is much easier to reverse when there is no patient satisfaction.

Fillers that restore decreased volume depending on age reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines, giving a younger and healthier appearance. This provides both a more natural and softer facial line.

Lip Filler

As with other parts of the body, lips lose their volume with age and look thinner. Sometimes, you may have symmetry problems or congenital thin lips. Plump lips are a must for a feminine look.

If the appearance of your lips is a source of insecurity for you, lip fillers may be the solution you are looking for to make your lips look the best. Lip filler; As a non-surgical, fast, effective and safe method, it can help you feel better when you look in the mirror.

Lip fillers are usually based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is present naturally in the body. Since it is a natural substance, therefore the risk of serious complications or bruising is also quite low.

Cheek Filler

Cheek filler applied to restore the volume lost to the cheekbones; shapes, pronounces and volume-saving cheeks with hyaluronic acid in its content. It is also increasingly preferred by people, as their cheeks are more raised and the face is fresher and younger. If necessary, it can be applied in conjunction with Botox or other non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications.

Cheek filler; It is a very alternative to surgery, both because it has a faster recovery rate, it is recyclable, the risk of serious complications is very low and the treatment can be performed gradually.

Jaw Filler

The jaw is one of the important points that provides contours for the face shape and the general line of the face. Jaw filling; helps to achieve a balance with the chin and cheeks, nose, lips and neck area.

Jaw filling, except that it is supportive of non-surgical facial rejuvenation; it can also help correct the asymmetry on the face, remove the sagging of the tickle, and improve the appearance of the face from the side profile. It can also be applied in combination with cheek filler, nasolabial filling and jawline filling to improve the middle and lower face area.

Jawline Filler

Jawline filler, one of the most popular filling applications to improve the jawline line and give the face a more symmetrical appearance; increases patients’ self-esteem while making them look younger. In addition, it balances the jawline, makes the jaw softer and oval, improves the overall appearance of the face.

If you want to have a more pronounced and feminine jawline, or if you complain about the saggy appearance in your tickle area, Jawline filling may be a more suitable option for you than surgery.

Under-Eye Light Filler

Under-eye light filler is a non-surgical treatment injected under the skin under the eyes with hyaluronic acid in its content, which instantly gains volume and makes the area look younger, healthier and radiant.

It helps to make the eye area look fuller and younger. Reduces the appearance of the pit under the eye. Thus, it also helps by reducing under-eye bruises and shadows.

If you have a bagging, bruising or collapsed appearance under your eyes, you can choose the under-eye light filling in consultation with your doctor. But sometimes, the depressed appearance under the eyes can also be caused by the loss of volume of cheekbones. Therefore, what you need is not an under-eye light filler, but a filler to be made in the middle face area. In this case, it will be your doctor who will decide the right application for you.

Nose Filler

Nasal filling; it can correct the appearance of an asymmetric nose, raise the bridge of the nose, help the tip of the nose look more raised. Filling can sometimes be applied after a failed nose job. It is also a good alternative to surgery, with it being less invasive, safer and lower cost.

Nose filler is one of the most popular non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Nose filling, which is made to improve the natural shape of the nose and the appearance of the face in general, can be applied to the tip of the nose or the bridge of the nose. When done by expert and experienced hands, it effectively improves the shape of the nose and the appearance of the face.

augmentation improvement lips professional salon 7502 7605 Dermal Fillers

Fillers when applied by expert and experienced hands; it can make the face look younger, more shaped. It can provide flawless results by improving the proportion and symmetry of the face in the best way. When done correctly, there is almost no area of the face that cannot be healed with fillers.

  • Forehead area average 12 months
  • Upper eyelid average 12 months
  • Under-eye filling averages 12 months
  • Cheekbone filling averages 15-24 months
  • Lip filler averages 12 months
  • Jawline filling average 12-15 months
  • Jaw filling average 15-24 months
  • Nasal filling average 12 months
  • Middle face filling averages 24 months
  • Nasolabial filling average 12 months
  • Marionette lines average 12 months

Filler are one of the safest non-surgical aesthetic applications, both because they are easily reversible, that the hyaluronic acid in its content is a naturally present material in the body, and that it is at risk of minimal side effects and complications. But all this security applies only when done by a trained and experienced doctor.

Dermal filler should applied by specialist physicians who know facial anatomy well and carry out studies in this field in order to avoid possible complications and achieve the desired results.

The effect of filling persists for an average of 12-18 months. However, even after losing its effect, it will have a better appearance than its original state.

Approximately 1 week after the procedure, the filler is spread and more pronounced effects are provided.

    • People who are in pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • Patients with active infection in the application area (inflammation, scars and herpes, etc.)
    • Patients with keloidal and hypertrophic scarring (History of bad wound healing)
    • Those with autoimmune diseases

    While some fillers are obtained, antibiotics may be in them. Therefore, the drug should be applied carefully in patients with allergies. In addition, some may also have painkillers such as “lidocaine”. Caution should also be taken in people who are sensitive to this substance.

Many patients receive retouching injections to preserve the effects of the treatment. It is also important to follow the doctor’s recommendations for post-application care.

Compulsive exercise movements should be avoided for 24 hours. No sports should be performed on the day of the procedure.

Aspirin or similar drugs should not be taken before and after procedure.

Since the filling contains an injection process; Temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising and redness can be seen at the injection site. These side effects usually pass by themselves within a few days.

Considering that the filling is an injection agent in gel form, the results can be seen instantly. The effects also vary according to the dose used, the patient’s expectations and the patient’s individual recovery status.


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