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Hair Transplant in Turkey

Hair is one of the factors that directly affects what a person looks like. While bushy and shiny hair can look much more attractive, lifeless hair can negatively affect your appearance and social life. In addition, modern life habits and environmental pollutants negatively affect not only overall body health, but also hair health and quality.

Hair loss is a condition that can affect both men and women. In addition to the conditions; stress, nutrient deficiency, genetics, drugs and hormonal changes can also contribute to hair loss.

Do you have a hair loss problem that you can’t control? Don’t worry! The scientific world has found solutions to many dermatological problems, including hair loss. If you do some research on the Internet, you may encounter various hair care products that promise to prevent hair loss. However, hair transplantation is shown as the most effective method for the treatment of hair loss!

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We can give you the look you have always wanted with the experience we got through the years

Neslim Güngen Clinic is located in Istanbul and has chosen to open to the World in 2022 to provide hair transplant, dental services, face and body aesthetic services to our clients from all over the world. We aim to provide the most consistent and satisfactory results according to the individual expectations and needs of all our patients.

Our clinic

Our clinic, which is open now to the World and not just locally; provides treatment planning, pre-treatment care and support according to the needs of our patients. We are with our patients in every step, from the beginning to the end of treatment and after to ensure that they comply with our understanding of quality and excellence.

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The most common indicator of acomia is male-type hair loss. Acomia; hormonal problems occur in the body as a cause of various systemic disorders such as fever, lack of nutrients.

In addition, you can use the Some drugs used especially in the treatment of chemotherapy, ringworm, surgeries undergone, a major disease, depression, major life events, rapid weight loss, pregnancy, psychological stress, trauma and injuries, hair pulling habits, radiation and burns exposure are also among the causes of acomia.

When women have an excessive amount of androgen hormone; In men, acomia can occur in areas where hair is more dense, as well as acomia in these areas.

Androgen excess is a cause of PCOS in women. PCOS patients may experience more hair loss than usual in the body and face, as well as symptoms such as acomia on the scalp, shrinkage of the breasts, menstrual irregularity.

Although there is no cosmetic solution to treat hair loss, there are some alternatives that can repair damaged hair. Hair transplantation treatment can help those who experience hair loss in men and women.

For hair loss; There are home prescriptions such as nutritional supplements, scalp massage, herbal treatments, hair lotions, but there is no scientific evidence of the consequences of their use. If you don’t know how to manage hair loss, get support from a specialist…

mature man going through follicular unit extraction process 23 2149106300 Hair Transplant AdsCandidates for Hair Transplantation
Those who have problems with baldness and sparse hair
Those who experience rapid hair loss in a short time
Those who do not get any results from cosmetic solutions
Those who do not have a hair loss problem that is not linked to a drug
People with good overall health
People who have evaluated the pros and cons of hair transplantation
People with realistic expectations
Remember that you will not see the results of the hair transplantation process overnight. The maximum results of the application can sometimes take months to see.

Hair Transplant Success Rate
Hair transplantation success rate varies depending on various factors such as the experience of the doctor performing the application, the hair structure of the patient. The success rate specified for FUE technique is around 95%.

The FUE procedure, when performed by specialist hands, promises a success rate of close to 100%. It should be noted that this success rate depends on an experienced and skilled specialist.

FUE and FUT techniques are effective treatment options for men and women suffering from hair loss. However, it will be your doctor who decides which is more right for you. During the first examination; Depending on what kind of result you want to achieve, you should talk to your doctor about the number of follicles you need and your final appearance. This interview will help you decide which app is a better option for you.

One of the most important advantages of FUE technique is that it provides natural-looking results.
This method, which is performed without leaving a pronounced scar, is also preferred by the absence of pain during and after treatment.
It is performed under local anesthesia.
Pain and pain are minimal.
Recovery time after treatment is fast and can be discharged on the same day
Within a few days of the procedure, patients can return to their daily lives.

In hair transplant, different techniques are selected by looking at certain factors. FUE technique is the most preferred hair transplantation technique with no obvious scarring. It is also preferred with a success rate of close to 100%. However, in other techniques such as FUT and DHI, the success rate is around 95%. So, what are the factors that affect success in hair transplant?

– Patient’s hair type

Having thick hair or curly hair can achieve more successful results with fewer grafts. However, even if your hair is sparse, you can achieve successful results. Nevertheless, hair type is a decisive factor in success rates.

– Clinic and doctor quality

One of the most important factors determining success in hair transplantation is the knowledge, experience and experience of the hair transplantation clinic of your choice and the doctor who will perform the treatment. Although technological developments in this field are quite successful, it is important that the treatment is still carried out by experts and experienced people in the field.

Choosing a clinic and a doctor according to the hair transplantation price policy not only puts the success rate at risk, but also increases the risk of damage to your hair follicles. Choosing a specialist doctor also positively affects the persistence of the treatment.

One of the factors affecting the results in hair transplantation is how you proceed after treatment. It is also important to opt for care practices that can support treatment. For example, Platet Rich Plasma treatment is a treatment performed using the patient’s own blood and involves injecting the patient’s scalp using certain stimulants.

One of the biggest obstacles for someone considering treatment is the cost of hair transplantation. But how much budget you need to allocate for treatment; The province you live in, the clinic and doctor you will choose, will vary greatly depending on what the treatment covers and which technique is preferred. In addition, since hair transplantation is considered as plastic surgery, it is not covered by insurance.

In the robotic hair transplantation method, the hair follicles are collected by the hair transplantation robot. After the canals are opened with the hair transplantation robot, the collected roots are planted manually.

Thanks to the robot, it is possible to prevent the opening of the wrong channels. Especially when hair transplantation is performed in some areas surrounded by hair and the aim is to increase hair density, the robot also helps to ensure that existing hair is not damaged. In addition to getting new hair in hair transplantation, it is also very important to protect healthy hair.

In FUE technology performed with sapphire tip in hair transplantation, hair follicles are taken from the donor area individually in grafts using micro-tips to change according to hair follicles through micro motor under local anesthesia. The collected roots are placed in the opened channels. Since sapphire is a natural element, it does less damage to the skin, but the healing rate is much faster, the pain is less. The risk of infection in sapphire hair transplantation is much lower. Thanks to sapphire technique, hair transplantation becomes more natural.

In other grooving methods, natural metal and gemstones are used in sapphire technique when using slit method, i.e. flat and metal.

DHI Hair Transplantation

DHI method is hair transplantation method, which is a variation of FUE method. After the hair follicles are removed from the donor area by micro motor or manual method, they are transferred to the waiting area for transplantation by DHI method.

DHI hair transplantation procedures are also ideal for women as haircuts are not required in the area to be transplanted. Although the hair is not shortened during DHI hair transplantation, the hair around the transplanted area is not damaged. Grafts do not need to be kept outside after they are collected.

Prevents the risk of hair follicle death due to waiting. You also get a natural appearance, as the procedure allows hair follicles to be transplanted more often. Since the damage from the surgery is minimal, the healing process is very fast. The planting stage is shorter because grooving and root placement can be done at the same time. The operation does not cause any traces or planting marks. It provides amazing symmetry on the front hairline. The angle and direction of each strand of hair can be accurately determined.

Normal FUE Hair Transplantation

In fue hair transplantation method, hair follicles collected and separated using micro motor are planted in channels that are opened manually.

FUE technique is the most advanced and recently used technique for suitable candidates for hair transplantation surgery; Here, the procedure occurs by removing the hair from the sides and back, that is, from the areas of your head that are not subject to hair loss. It has 90-95% hair graft success because it feeds on the vitality of the hair there. Precise collection of FUE minimizes trauma or cutting of hair follicles during results.

The aim of hair transplantation treatment is to promote hair elongation in areas that are regionally shed or do not grow at all. Although hair loss with aging is normal, it can sometimes occur due to causes such as disease or stress. Although it does not pose a health risk, it can be aesthetically uncomfortable for both men and women.

If you are thinking of having a hair transplant, make sure that you understand the promised results of the procedure well and keep your expectations realistic. This will prevent you from being disappointed. In addition to experienced specialists and the latest techniques, it is also important to take the time to develop plans and implement the right strategies according to the personal expectations of patients.

FUT treatment; it is a treatment that involves removing a piece of scalp from the donor area and snatching it with stitches, and placing the donor skin in the area where hair is desired to grow. In FUE technique, a stapler is used to remove the hair root in the donor area. Although this technique causes vague scars on the scalp, it is more often preferred because it does not require stitches and is easier.

Both FUE and FUT are effective and successful hair transplantation treatments. It takes longer to apply the FUE technique, but in expert hands, much more effective and natural results can be achieved. Both methods are performed under local anesthesia and patients can be discharged on the same day.

Hair transplantation is the process of removing the live hair of the patient himself and transplanting it into bald areas. These new transplanted hair grow in an average time of 4-5 months and take 1.5-2 years to reach full size. If you have hair falling out, hair transplantation can be an effective option. When done by skilled and expert hands, your hair can be as voluminous and plump as it used to be. However, it is not a miraculous solution and it is important to keep expectations realistic.

Hair transplantation; it has success rates ranging from 95-100% when performed by a specialist, experienced and skilled doctor. However, it is useful to support it with additional treatments such as Platet Rich Plasma treatment to improve the results after the procedure.

The placement time of grafts transferred after hair transplantation lasts an average of 7-10 days. Therefore, the first week after treatment is quite important. In this process; some factors, such as temperature or lack of oxygen, can adversely affect the retention of grafts. Therefore, you need to fully follow the recommendations of your doctor. In addition, after treatment, an average of 14 days are required for the grafts to replace the new one.

If you have hair loss problems, you may observe regional thinning of your hair. This can cause a look that you want to restore as time goes on.

In the case of sparse hair, hair transplantation is an ideal option. In cases where thinning is permanent, a natural and realistic result will be provided in areas where the hair is thin.

If the hair transplant candidate is on a drug that may increase the risk of excessive bleeding during treatment, or if he has a disease that can adversely affect the lengthening of the hair, he may not be a suitable candidate. In addition, age can also determine whether you are the suitable candidate for hair transplantation.

If, in the case of complete baldness, hair transplantation is not possible. Hair transplantation is a regenerative treatment, so the patient’s own hair is needed. Although the success rates are very high, it should be remembered that there is no miracle. Therefore, there will be no hair area that can be used as a donor in completely bald people.

After transplanting new hair into areas where your hair is sparse, it takes some time for your skin to heal. In fact, it is considered normal that you will have some hair loss problems within the first few months after treatment. The healing process can take up to 1 year to complete. When this process ends, the transplanted hair allows hair to grow in areas with shedding. However, as with other natural hairs on your scalp, transplanted hair has a certain lifespan. And at some point, it may not produce as much hair as it used to.

Patients may sometimes experience hair loss problems after treatment. However, this hair loss is usually temporary and rarely permanent. Hair loss after treatment is usually caused by stress. Trauma to your scalp can cause a stress and lead to hair loss.

In cases where hair loss is now pronounced and uncomfortable, hair transplantation may be the most successful choice. Sometimes, auxiliary applications such as Platet Rich Plasma therapy can be used to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. If you are in the early stages of hair loss, you can contact us for a suitable treatment planning for your goals.

Technically speaking, there is no specified age for hair transplantation. For example, when hair loss occurs due to a medical condition in childhood, hair transplantation can be carried out with the approval of a specialist. Hair transplantation is a procedure that enters plastic surgery and the age limit in aesthetic applications is determined as 18. However, this age group is indicated quite early for hair transplantation.

Hair Transplant in İstanbul


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